Health Care

Mobile Health camp in Khokana, Lalitpur District, Nepal

The mobile health camp in Khokana, Lalitpur district was successfully held on January 23rd 2016. There were more than 230 patients that got examined and most were elderly.

The common form of diseases in this area were Rheumatic Arthritis, joint pain, back pain, uric acid and dental problem.

The mobile health camp team provided following treatment: Recording of B/P, temperature and pulse, Blood Testing, Diagnosis, Counseling and provided free medication to the patients.

Mobile Health camp in Duku Chaap, Lalitpur District, Nepal

The mobile health camp in Duku Chaap, Lalitpur district was successfully held on September 26th 2015. There were more than 250 patients that got examined.

Duku Chaap is remote hilly village located in Lalitpur District just two hours drive away from Kathmandu. The population of this village is around 3500; consisting of Dunuwars,Tamangs,Chetri, Bahuns and Newars.

Land holdings are dominated by the Bahun, Chetris and Newars. The Dunuwars and Tamangs work on other people’s land for living as the primary source of income is farming.

The living condition of 50 % of the 585 households of Duku Chaap is extremely poor and hence access to the health care is limited due to poor finances. The villagers mostly rely on shamans (jaar fuk) for medical cures.



Health Camp conducted at Kusheswar Dhumja VDC Sindhuli August 15, 2015 Funded by IAVMA 


Health Camp is conducted at Sharda Batase-2 Village, Jul 17, 2015 Funded by IAVMA  . 

- Due to landslide health camp had to postpone couple of time. Heavy rain and temperature variation is common during this monsoon weather.

- This Village is EQ affected area. Portion of this health camp building is yellow stickered and one of few standing building in the village

- 183 people were treated.


After the earthquake in Nepal, the Bay Area Nepali Women Organization, and  INDUZ here is the Bay Area ,started to work collectively with ADHAR and Jyoti Hospital in Nepal for the same cause:helping the people affected by the Earthquake .

  • We started to raise funds, medicines, tents and clothing
  • We got overwhelming support from our friends in the Bay Area during cloth, medicine collection drive in Fremont.
  • In Nepal, ADHAR and Jyoti Hospital started Mobile Health Camps in the remote villages.




What we do …

Fund raising events

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