Events & Activities

We’ve been organizing various Nepali language, cultural classes and other cultural events since the establishment. We have organized Walkathons, Fundraising events to support rebuilding efforts in Nepal,

Come join us if you are interested in volunteering, teaching or want your kids to learn Nepali. Please visit our Facebook page for the latest updates.

Teaching Learning Events & Activities

Learn more about our Nepali Language & cultural activities:
To participate in Nepali School & our regular activities check our facebook page:

Fundraising Events & Activities

Walk-a-thon 2015:
Fund Raising Support rebuilding efforts of Nepal by participating in the Nepal Walkathon 2015:
Cultural Show:
Candle Light Vigil:

Cultural Events & Activities

BANWO involved in HCCC

Bay Area Nepali Women Organization involvement in Livermore Temple – Food Cultural program

Deusi Bhailo Program:

Amod Madal

For past 5 year we have been organizing a Deusi Bhailo Program. Kids sing Deusi and Bhailo songs, Dance to the Music. And we also have lakhe dance from our good friends in Sanoma. When everyone present has offered their “dakshina” (money blessed with good wishes), selroti and other food, the audience gets “ashish” (the good wishes for health and prosperity). And listening to the “ashish” just fills your heart and sometimes also brings laughter  . At the end kids get to do some fireworks as we would do back home in Nepal during Tihar for the kids to have a complete cultural experience.


What we do …

Fund raising events

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