Drinking Water

Bay Area Nepali Women Organization (BANWO) and Nepali Student Association of University of California Berkeley to provide safe drinking water to earthquake victims in Nepal

As a humanitarian relief effort, BANWO and Nepali Student Association of University of California Berkeley have shipped solar powered portable water purification systems (FW 120) to earthquake victims in Nepal.  The water purification system is equipped with three filtrations that remove: sedimentation (dirt & debris); taste and odor; and virus, bacteria and cysts. It also utilizes ultraviolet disinfection to kill harmful pathogens. The unit treats 120 gallons of water per hour. Initially, this system will be installed on the outskirts of Kathmandu, in Sankhu, which was significantly impacted by the 25th April 2015 earthquake.

In addition to school, this water purification system will also be used to provide clean drinking water for devotees during festivals in Sankhu, especially in Teej and Swasthani. We ‘Thank’ all donors once again for their contribution. We plan to launch many more such systems provided there is funding


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